
The Future of Regional Cargo Aircraft

  • Our vision

    To collaborate with leading aerospace companies and partner institutions to drive aviation innovation

  • Our mission

    Innovate with composite materials in the aerospace sector to improve safety, aerodynamic efficiency and performance, whilst reducing construction complexity (time/energy/costs)

  • Our values

    At ACNZ we collaborate in an empathetic way while striving for excellence in all we do

The project

Short Haul Autonomous Zero Emission Cargo Aircraft

Max take off weight: 16,792 lbs (7,615 kg)
Payload: 6,000 lbs (2,721 kg)
Cruise speed: Max 210 Kts (242 mph) TAS
Wing span: 72.18 ft (22 meters)
Max height: 15.74 ft (4.8 meters)
Typical mission: 300 NM (555.6 km)

Certified under the Part 23 Autonomous
Freight Operation.
Preliminary specifications subject to change.